Brozen Featherback Fish Bologna
- Pork bologna has long been a traditional dish of the ancient Vietnamese. This is not only a convenient dish, but also an essential dish during Tet holidays in Vietnam, with the idea of branching out from traditional dishes and becoming more creative through the use of different ingredients. Brozen Featherback Fish Bologna was created with brozen featherback fish as the main ingredient, giving new life to Vietnamese traditional cuisine.
- The product has a delicious and smooth flavor that is characteristic of pork bologna. There will be a new sensation when eating, a little crunchy from the fish will bring you a very interesting experience when eating it.
- Products are frozen and must be thawed before use, with a shelf life of up to ten months from the date of manufacture.

Featherback Fish Bologna
- Bronze Featherback can be found in clean ponds and rivers throughout the Central and Southern regions. Furthermore, Bronze Featherback is frequently used in family meal.100g of Bronze Featherback contains the following calories:- 84 kilocalories- 17.5g protein
– 0.1 g carbohydrates
– 1.6 g Fat.
– Minerals and vitamins…
“Eggs and meat from Bronze Featherback contain quite high amounts of omega fatty acids,” according to VUSTA – Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations. Arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) made up 16.50 percent and 10.06 percent of total phospholipids, respectively. As a result, it can be considered a freshwater fish that is beneficial to health, particularly heart health.