Shrimp Balls
In comparison to other types of balls on the market, Shrimp Balls has a closed production process that adheres to international HACCP standards and contains up to 75% shrimp ingredients. The shrimp materials chosen are of standard export quality, as recognized by the Japanese and European markets. The product is high in calcium, protein, iron, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and other nutrients that are beneficial to health.
The ball, which is prominent and eye-catching due to its shape of a long round capsule that fits in the mouth, contributes to the overall experience and convenience for customers when using it. Furthermore, Shrimp Balls can be combined with a variety of ingredients to create delectable dishes, such as hot pot balls, fried with vegetables and mushrooms, cooked in soups, soups, grilled, fried, and so on.
- Bronze Featherback can be found in clean ponds and rivers throughout the Central and Southern regions. Furthermore, Bronze Featherback is frequently used in family meal.100g of Bronze Featherback contains the following calories:- 84 kilocalories- 17.5g protein
– 0.1 g carbohydrates
– 1.6 g Fat.
– Minerals and vitamins…
“Eggs and meat from Bronze Featherback contain quite high amounts of omega fatty acids,” according to VUSTA – Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations. Arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) made up 16.50 percent and 10.06 percent of total phospholipids, respectively. As a result, it can be considered a freshwater fish that is beneficial to health, particularly heart health.