Hapi Featherback Fish Paste
- Hapi Featherback Fish Paste is a pure fish paste made from featherback fish that has been scraped and all the bones have been removed, evenly spread to create the toughness of the rolls, creating convenience, saving time, and especially contributing to the creation of the best quality of meal for customers. Hapi Featherback Fish Paste is also used as a unique ingredient in the preparation of other delectable dishes such as spring rolls, quail egg rolls, cabbage rolls, and so on.
- Some typical dishes: Fried Featherback fish paste, Featherback fish paste and vegetable soup, ingredients of Spring roll, Steamed Wheat flour cake…
- Cooking guiderlines: Remain packing, nuturally defrost in water for about 15 minutes before using (Frozen food). Add spcice (salt, sugar, pepper…,) mix and knead until it smooth and springy. As long as it is kneaded, as springy the paste will be. Deep frying in oil, boiled, steamed, sauteed…
- Storage:
+ Fresh food: keep the fridge between -1°C to 4°C
+ Frozen food: keep the fridge colder and the freezer below -18°C
- Production Process:
+ Materials areas all meet VietGAP’s requirement
+ Producing procedure all meet HACCP’s standard
- Featherback fish can be found in clean ponds and rivers throughout the Central and Southern regions. Furthermore, Featherback fish is frequently used in family meal.100g of Featherback fish contains the following calories:- 84 kilocalories- 17.5g protein
– 0.1 g carbohydrates
– 1.6 g Fat.
– Minerals and vitamins…
“Eggs and meat from Featherback fish contain quite high amounts of omega fatty acids,” according to VUSTA – Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations. Arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) made up 16.50 percent and 10.06 percent of total phospholipids, respectively. As a result, it can be considered a freshwater fish that is beneficial to health, particularly heart health.