The Deboned Featherback Fish – Chili and Lemongrass Flavor
- The Deboned Featherback Fish – Chili and Lemongrass Flavor of Pham Nghia Food is a combination of Deboned Bronzed Featherback Fish meat and lemongrass flavoring seasoning, when eaten, you will feel enough toughness, the crispiness of the bronze featherback and the delicious taste of the product.
- Instructions: Defrost in water for about 15 minutes, or until the product is completely defrosted, keeping the packaging intact (for frozen goods). Deep fry in vegetable oil (160 – 170°C) or pan fry (155 – 160°C) until golden brown or just before serving; can also be used for baking,… or cooked into dishes as needed
- Storage Instructions:
– Frozen items: Store at -18°C or in the freezer section.
– Fresh items: Store at -1°C to 4°C or in Cool refrigerator compartment.

The Deboned Featherback Fish – Chili and Lemongrass Flavor
- Featherback Fish can be found in clean ponds and rivers throughout the Central and Southern regions. Furthermore, Featherback Fish is frequently used in family meal.100g of Bronze Featherback contains the following calories:- 84 kilocalories- 17.5g protein- 0.1 g carbohydrates- 1.6 g Fat.
– Minerals and vitamins…
“Eggs and meat from Bronze Featherback contain quite high amounts of omega fatty acids,” according to VUSTA – Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations. Arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) made up 16.50 percent and 10.06 percent of total phospholipids, respectively. As a result, it can be considered a freshwater fish that is beneficial to health, particularly heart health.